
Fantastic crew. We loved your show!
Tracy Windsor, Sea-to-Sky Mental Health and Substance Use Services, Squamish, BC


You and your comics were awesome! You all connected with our staff, and they loved it! I heard several comments from our staff about how much fun they had and how it was a great show. We had a great time, and learned so much about mental health. It was a creative and fun way to bring this important topic to light. We hope to see you again!

Luisa Cambara, Marketing Coordinator – Traction Guest, Burnaby BC


Stand up for Mental Health puts the audience to work with humor on serious stigma issues of the day. I invited SMH to perform in two pre-service teacher education courses with fifth year students. Students laughed, paused to reflect and felt this opened the door for very important conversations that often go unsaid. I highly recommend SMH as another way of educating people about mental health and humanizing those facing mental health issues. Bravo, SMH.

Dr. Leslie G. Roman, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia


On behalf of the organizing committee for the 7th Annual Fraser Early Psychosis conference, our heartfelt thanks to you and your comic colleagues. Indeed, the standing ovation said it all! The 400 members of the audience loved the Stand Up For Mental Health show you and your comics did for us. It was a huge success and really made our conference special. Our colleagues will be talking about your show for a long time.

SUMH is a powerful way to ensure that clients and families are represented in a conference program. It was hilarious and inspiring to see your comics talk about their mental illness and addiction issues in their acts. Our people could really relate to what they had to say.

We were amazed at how professional the comics were. It’s great to see the funny courageous side of our clients, and in our line of work we can always use a good laugh.

We’d be glad to recommend you to other groups putting on events.

David H. Erickson, PhD, R. Psych Clinical Psychologist, EPI Program, Surrey, B.C.


The fact that the entire audience gave you a standing ovation shows how much they appreciated the show you did for us. It was great to see a serious topic like mental illness presented in such a humorous way. We had some great laughs and saw mental health from a new perspective.

Allan Lee, Health and Wellness Program Coordinator, British Columbia Teachers’ Federation


Stand Up For Mental Health is a wonderful program and many of us were inspired by the stories you shared. Your presentation was well-received and we thank you for relating your material to connect with the members of our association.

Christine Stahler, Executive Director, First Nations Health Authority, Vancouver, B.C.


Thanks for the hilarious show, my throat was sore from laughing! You and your comics really helped to put a human face to the issue of mental health. Thank you for helping to de-stigmatize mental health; inspiring and entertaining us.

Carolyne Neufeld, Health Director, Seabird Island Band


The words of one of the attendees said it all when she said that two years from now she would not remember what some ‘expert’ on mental health had said- but she would never forget the ‘Stand Up for Mental Health’ presentation that you and your ‘mental health consumers’ gave us. The presenters made us laugh and helped us open both our hearts and our minds.

Each of the presenters was unique and wonderful- and you did a superb job of putting everyone at ease, creating a context for the show, and together with your team, giving people the message that no matter what the obstacle, with support and acceptance, people can move forward and succeed in their lives.

Cheryl Grant Gamble, HR Consultant (Wellness and EAP) Organization and Employee Development, HRDC BC/Yukon Region


Thank you for the hilarious show! Our staff loved how your team used comedy to break down the mental health stigma in a powerful, relevant way.

Thank you again for hosting a great show!

Kristen Wilson – Coordinator, Communications and Engagement – Langara College – Human Resources


We were delighted to have you present to our 2nd year medical students for the fourth year in a row. The class really enjoyed the Stand Up For Mental Health session; it is a highlight of the course. The combination of comedy and education around mental health issues provides a unique learning opportunity. We hope to have you back next year.

Dr. Jane Buxton, 
DPAS 420 VFMP Course Director, 
Dean’s Undergraduate Education
 Faculty of Medicine, 
The University of British Columbia